the story of my shirt and bunch of unnecessary stuff


As I said in my yesterday post that I’m gonna post again, this should be Friday when I post this. And since I wrote this on Thursday it’s just gonna be quick blogging cos I have assigments to do and I’m already becoming a profesional proscratinator since forever (I was probably born for it hahaha)

So uhhh as I take my hiatus from interact with my lovely interenet friends which quite long and suck and I miss them but I have to hold the feels, I have so many things going on. Well not that many just bunch of some old stuff.

First I wanna start with the story of my shirt. What’s special about your shirt miss Atiq? If anybody who read this blog is my cyber friend on twitter then you should know what I’m talking about (I’m all positive that only my friends on twitter read this blog, thanks guys) I was watching tv show when suddenly they start showing out DIY on a shirt and I was like “whatzz? You can do that to your shirt? Waaah” and the first thought that came in mind was “STFU” logo. Yup it’s the “STFU” Stop Tickling Furry Unicorns. I know I know I’m like soooo yesterday to know bout DIY thingy (I’m old okay) but I’m all excited to make this thing happen. I’ve been practicing drawing the STFU on my laptop, on papers, on my skin (impermanently), well basically ON everything but shirt.

“This is the time, I MUST make this” my intention here was quite strong that no one will ever stop me (except you give me a life supply of chocolate especially delfi and oreos, I’d be putting all “white flag” with smile.. hahaha jk)

So I bought the paint, the brush and that’s it. But I wasn’t go straight to paint the shirt after buyying the tools. I need TIMESSSS. I did a lil testing. The paint cover said “you can use this paint on papers, shirts, woods etc” so I think it won’t rinse. But no it did rinse and I was like “oh NOOOOOO”. Luckly it’s not ALL rinse but it’s like a lil, yeah I’m just so easy to get panic. I was paint the sleeve first and here’s the result:

not so good, right? and yes thats my ugly face and i put teehee stuff on my hat pretty cool right?

Few moments after the sleeve I was collecting all my positive thought in me (because I was all emo since the YTFF livestream day one and two in Singapore) to make the big one in the back of my shirt. It took me a whole day to draw the pattern and another whole day to paint the shirt.
And here’s the result:

I keep looking at my shirt like it was a picaso painting, a “monalisa” of mine, a sweet master piece, my new born child. Since I was so proud and stuff I wore that shirt backward to campus, so lucky that I can cover it and no one can tell that I wore my shirt backward. There were so many people looking at my shirt and try to read the STFU sign, or maybe they realize that I’m wearing that shirt backward. Oh weeelllll. And I really wish that I can paint and put the “STFU” logo on every cloth of mine hahaha.

Next story is from my Ed “teddy” Sheeran.

So he announced his album “X” and I was hyper as always (fangirl you know) but not really hard this time just excited. The first single is “Sing” and I was quite surprised because its so diff, very catchy, and not gonna lie I was like “uhhhh what is it? Me not like this” but now the level of “not like” turn into “all good” not perfect just good. For few times, until what I just saw in probably 3 days ago, I saw the “Sing” video clip on Youtube. They using puppet to replace the real Ed Sheeran to act as a bad lad. I was frozen in my place and died laughing. It reminds me of Smosh’s video about christmas story, and also reminds me that Ryan legalized “lamp marriege” hahahaha oh gosh memory. Its funny and I like the bad lad puppet cos I know all the sheerios know that Ed will never ever do something like that.

there's even pharrel in it.. <3

Yeah that’s the unnecessary story from me, I guess I won’t be able to blogging next week or maybe I will steal some times to write. Until then stay teehee everybody

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