YTFF feels and the ridiculously dumb jealous of me



Youtube Fan Fest 2014

From my own theory, is the event where youtubers around the world gathering and meet their fans and get interviewed and heve fun with their fans. An event full of love and happiness. A heaven for those youtube fans.

And… I’m just gonna say it from here that I’M DYING.

The reason has got to be the place they choose to held that “heaven on earth” event.

Singapore and Australia. The two most close country from mine. My country is like between them and that’s, most likely my friend, the reason why I’m dying. Like its okay for me if they held the event in Philippines or Thailand or Japan but the problem I have here is my country position that stuck between 2 country. Its okay if they held it in Singapore only or Australia only (sorry I just have to say it).

And I feel the sadness from some of my higaholic fellas that live near the event but can’t go for some reason. They just dying as much as I am with, prolly more painful possibilities.

I’m having such a dillema everytime I went to Twitter. There’s sad tweets, happy tweets, support each other tweets, “ship” tweets on my timeline and its just random feelings. At first I’m cool with that, but then the crowd of YTFF is like everywhere on my timeline especially when the first day livestream on Youtube. I’m like in dead lock dying mode because Jenna “gangstah queen” Marbles is the first to showed up and I can only watch the first 8 minutes which just a longass train of freaking intros and because the lack of the connection of wi fi AND I got karate lesson in like 30 minutes so you know what happen next.  Fortunately, my karate lesson just went good that the tiredness replacing all the sad feelings in me.

And then the second day came along. It was time for Ryan Higa to show up. This is probably de most hard time for me, because first it was Sunday and the number one rule for my Sunday is that “stay home” and do nothing (don’t ask) second I got no wi fi at home SOOO I can’t watch the livestream. First I’m like cool with that (like always) but I know that I should’ve avoided reading tweets about YTFF livestream so that I won’t get hurt. But then I was like “ehh how bad is it to not watch the live stream? I’m not alone. There’s bunch of other people that can’t watch too so that would be fine” so I was just put the motto, YOLO, on my forehead and keep turn on my sms notification.

If you don’t know, this sms twitter thingy is pretty useful for me who broke and poor and can’t effort anything to connect myself to cyber world. And, I turn on my notif for some higaholics and some users to keep myself up to date. Not all, just some.

Back to the topic!!

The livestream was on, and…. surprisingly… it hurts me, well more like I envy those who got the chance to met Ryan and watched the live stream to witnessed the one and only Ryan Higa, LIVE. The “envy” take over me like crazy. How crazy? Well lets just say it makes me decide to turn off my sms notification and not looking at my timeline on twitter via web (follow me @be__cg #selfpromoshhhheettt) I was , *sigh* I can’t believe to say this, HEART BROKEN. Like in all literal meaning I was in total mental break down. But I try my best to cover it by tweeting like nothing happen.  I was planning on pretend it until I feel better. But the more I read those lovely tweets about what was going on YTFF (higaholics are the best story teller and spoilers ever I swear) I was legit crying I’m not even kidding. I just make the jelly inside me more than just solid that I myself can’t even eat it. If you fangirl or anything along those line you know what I’m talking about. No? oh well. Yeah I’m jealous, and it really hurt I never knew its gonna be this bad to be jealous with someone. Not just with higaholics that watched the live stream from day one and two, higaholics that met Ryan in Singapore and Australia or any fabelezzz youtubers like Jenna etc, but also with Ryan Higa himself, the guy I adore with all my fangirl self. Well I envy him for anything but never knew it’ll come out like this. Maybe if I watched the live stream I will be more envy towards him. Seriously I’m literally envy him since I watch his video for the first time. For being so cute and stuff.

And that’s the not so full length story of why I’m so skinny.. what?

I keep tweeting emo stuff since then and I think I might be more depressed if I talk with anyone else on Twitter more like I don’t wanna fake my tweets by saying “I’m fine now” as a reply to someones tweet to me cos I know that myself is still in pieces and I have to collect all those pieces and make it a whole thing again. I was thinking about deactive my twitter for a while but I can’t “live” without tweeting my minds out so I decide to just keep tweeting and ignoring people’s tweet to me. Higaholics are lovely people and I don’t wanna hurt them with my tweets. Avoiding timeline was not enough so I avoiding my notif as well. And before june 6th is over I will be “not available for any interaction with twitter users” (my stupid bio). So far I got 34 notifs and maybe will increase each day. I’ve been tweeting to people too about “don’t replying my tweets” (so confidence that there’ll be people who replying my stupid tweets hahaaaaa I’m so loser)

Since my second acc was for pics of ehem Ryan ehem, and a lil rant tweets so I just gonna using my main acc.

So far I’m feeling good. Though, its pretty weird that no tweets send to my phone. But yeah I think it’s working. Listening to bunch of music lately, banging my ears with loud really loud super seiyan kinda loud that is. And I know I’ll be missing out a lot of stuff but I’m still keep my eyes on youtube for videos.

But why june 6th if the YTFF end in 31st may? Becauseeeee I need to really make the crowd for YTFF in my timeline calm, I don’t wanna envy those who meet Ryan or watch the livestream and happy for them instead, I don’t wanna be all emo, I really wanna congrate them in the most honest way not because I have to but because I really mean it. I know I might be late to do that in the future but at least that’s the thing I will do in june 6th. Higaholics are lovable and not to mention most of them are like my “little sister” age soooo I just wanna show my maturity (I never be mature but at least I’m trying… uhh right?)

I’ll be posting again tomorrow with another story of my.. I don’t know I just feel like to different this post with another post so.. until then stay teehee everybody:)

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