Archive for May 2014

the story of my shirt and bunch of unnecessary stuff


As I said in my yesterday post that I’m gonna post again, this should be Friday when I post this. And since I wrote this on Thursday it’s just gonna be quick blogging cos I have assigments to do and I’m already becoming a profesional proscratinator since forever (I was probably born for it hahaha)

So uhhh as I take my hiatus from interact with my lovely interenet friends which quite long and suck and I miss them but I have to hold the feels, I have so many things going on. Well not that many just bunch of some old stuff.

First I wanna start with the story of my shirt. What’s special about your shirt miss Atiq? If anybody who read this blog is my cyber friend on twitter then you should know what I’m talking about (I’m all positive that only my friends on twitter read this blog, thanks guys) I was watching tv show when suddenly they start showing out DIY on a shirt and I was like “whatzz? You can do that to your shirt? Waaah” and the first thought that came in mind was “STFU” logo. Yup it’s the “STFU” Stop Tickling Furry Unicorns. I know I know I’m like soooo yesterday to know bout DIY thingy (I’m old okay) but I’m all excited to make this thing happen. I’ve been practicing drawing the STFU on my laptop, on papers, on my skin (impermanently), well basically ON everything but shirt.

“This is the time, I MUST make this” my intention here was quite strong that no one will ever stop me (except you give me a life supply of chocolate especially delfi and oreos, I’d be putting all “white flag” with smile.. hahaha jk)

So I bought the paint, the brush and that’s it. But I wasn’t go straight to paint the shirt after buyying the tools. I need TIMESSSS. I did a lil testing. The paint cover said “you can use this paint on papers, shirts, woods etc” so I think it won’t rinse. But no it did rinse and I was like “oh NOOOOOO”. Luckly it’s not ALL rinse but it’s like a lil, yeah I’m just so easy to get panic. I was paint the sleeve first and here’s the result:

not so good, right? and yes thats my ugly face and i put teehee stuff on my hat pretty cool right?

Few moments after the sleeve I was collecting all my positive thought in me (because I was all emo since the YTFF livestream day one and two in Singapore) to make the big one in the back of my shirt. It took me a whole day to draw the pattern and another whole day to paint the shirt.
And here’s the result:

I keep looking at my shirt like it was a picaso painting, a “monalisa” of mine, a sweet master piece, my new born child. Since I was so proud and stuff I wore that shirt backward to campus, so lucky that I can cover it and no one can tell that I wore my shirt backward. There were so many people looking at my shirt and try to read the STFU sign, or maybe they realize that I’m wearing that shirt backward. Oh weeelllll. And I really wish that I can paint and put the “STFU” logo on every cloth of mine hahaha.

Next story is from my Ed “teddy” Sheeran.

So he announced his album “X” and I was hyper as always (fangirl you know) but not really hard this time just excited. The first single is “Sing” and I was quite surprised because its so diff, very catchy, and not gonna lie I was like “uhhhh what is it? Me not like this” but now the level of “not like” turn into “all good” not perfect just good. For few times, until what I just saw in probably 3 days ago, I saw the “Sing” video clip on Youtube. They using puppet to replace the real Ed Sheeran to act as a bad lad. I was frozen in my place and died laughing. It reminds me of Smosh’s video about christmas story, and also reminds me that Ryan legalized “lamp marriege” hahahaha oh gosh memory. Its funny and I like the bad lad puppet cos I know all the sheerios know that Ed will never ever do something like that.

there's even pharrel in it.. <3

Yeah that’s the unnecessary story from me, I guess I won’t be able to blogging next week or maybe I will steal some times to write. Until then stay teehee everybody

YTFF feels and the ridiculously dumb jealous of me



Youtube Fan Fest 2014

From my own theory, is the event where youtubers around the world gathering and meet their fans and get interviewed and heve fun with their fans. An event full of love and happiness. A heaven for those youtube fans.

And… I’m just gonna say it from here that I’M DYING.

The reason has got to be the place they choose to held that “heaven on earth” event.

Singapore and Australia. The two most close country from mine. My country is like between them and that’s, most likely my friend, the reason why I’m dying. Like its okay for me if they held the event in Philippines or Thailand or Japan but the problem I have here is my country position that stuck between 2 country. Its okay if they held it in Singapore only or Australia only (sorry I just have to say it).

And I feel the sadness from some of my higaholic fellas that live near the event but can’t go for some reason. They just dying as much as I am with, prolly more painful possibilities.

I’m having such a dillema everytime I went to Twitter. There’s sad tweets, happy tweets, support each other tweets, “ship” tweets on my timeline and its just random feelings. At first I’m cool with that, but then the crowd of YTFF is like everywhere on my timeline especially when the first day livestream on Youtube. I’m like in dead lock dying mode because Jenna “gangstah queen” Marbles is the first to showed up and I can only watch the first 8 minutes which just a longass train of freaking intros and because the lack of the connection of wi fi AND I got karate lesson in like 30 minutes so you know what happen next.  Fortunately, my karate lesson just went good that the tiredness replacing all the sad feelings in me.

And then the second day came along. It was time for Ryan Higa to show up. This is probably de most hard time for me, because first it was Sunday and the number one rule for my Sunday is that “stay home” and do nothing (don’t ask) second I got no wi fi at home SOOO I can’t watch the livestream. First I’m like cool with that (like always) but I know that I should’ve avoided reading tweets about YTFF livestream so that I won’t get hurt. But then I was like “ehh how bad is it to not watch the live stream? I’m not alone. There’s bunch of other people that can’t watch too so that would be fine” so I was just put the motto, YOLO, on my forehead and keep turn on my sms notification.

If you don’t know, this sms twitter thingy is pretty useful for me who broke and poor and can’t effort anything to connect myself to cyber world. And, I turn on my notif for some higaholics and some users to keep myself up to date. Not all, just some.

Back to the topic!!

The livestream was on, and…. surprisingly… it hurts me, well more like I envy those who got the chance to met Ryan and watched the live stream to witnessed the one and only Ryan Higa, LIVE. The “envy” take over me like crazy. How crazy? Well lets just say it makes me decide to turn off my sms notification and not looking at my timeline on twitter via web (follow me @be__cg #selfpromoshhhheettt) I was , *sigh* I can’t believe to say this, HEART BROKEN. Like in all literal meaning I was in total mental break down. But I try my best to cover it by tweeting like nothing happen.  I was planning on pretend it until I feel better. But the more I read those lovely tweets about what was going on YTFF (higaholics are the best story teller and spoilers ever I swear) I was legit crying I’m not even kidding. I just make the jelly inside me more than just solid that I myself can’t even eat it. If you fangirl or anything along those line you know what I’m talking about. No? oh well. Yeah I’m jealous, and it really hurt I never knew its gonna be this bad to be jealous with someone. Not just with higaholics that watched the live stream from day one and two, higaholics that met Ryan in Singapore and Australia or any fabelezzz youtubers like Jenna etc, but also with Ryan Higa himself, the guy I adore with all my fangirl self. Well I envy him for anything but never knew it’ll come out like this. Maybe if I watched the live stream I will be more envy towards him. Seriously I’m literally envy him since I watch his video for the first time. For being so cute and stuff.

And that’s the not so full length story of why I’m so skinny.. what?

I keep tweeting emo stuff since then and I think I might be more depressed if I talk with anyone else on Twitter more like I don’t wanna fake my tweets by saying “I’m fine now” as a reply to someones tweet to me cos I know that myself is still in pieces and I have to collect all those pieces and make it a whole thing again. I was thinking about deactive my twitter for a while but I can’t “live” without tweeting my minds out so I decide to just keep tweeting and ignoring people’s tweet to me. Higaholics are lovely people and I don’t wanna hurt them with my tweets. Avoiding timeline was not enough so I avoiding my notif as well. And before june 6th is over I will be “not available for any interaction with twitter users” (my stupid bio). So far I got 34 notifs and maybe will increase each day. I’ve been tweeting to people too about “don’t replying my tweets” (so confidence that there’ll be people who replying my stupid tweets hahaaaaa I’m so loser)

Since my second acc was for pics of ehem Ryan ehem, and a lil rant tweets so I just gonna using my main acc.

So far I’m feeling good. Though, its pretty weird that no tweets send to my phone. But yeah I think it’s working. Listening to bunch of music lately, banging my ears with loud really loud super seiyan kinda loud that is. And I know I’ll be missing out a lot of stuff but I’m still keep my eyes on youtube for videos.

But why june 6th if the YTFF end in 31st may? Becauseeeee I need to really make the crowd for YTFF in my timeline calm, I don’t wanna envy those who meet Ryan or watch the livestream and happy for them instead, I don’t wanna be all emo, I really wanna congrate them in the most honest way not because I have to but because I really mean it. I know I might be late to do that in the future but at least that’s the thing I will do in june 6th. Higaholics are lovable and not to mention most of them are like my “little sister” age soooo I just wanna show my maturity (I never be mature but at least I’m trying… uhh right?)

I’ll be posting again tomorrow with another story of my.. I don’t know I just feel like to different this post with another post so.. until then stay teehee everybody:)

how i met jenna marbles and my first youtube crush


Oh hi, hi, hi welcome to my blog

About a week ago Jenna Marbles uploaded this vid called “What Disney Movies Taught Me Part 2” and i feel a little nostalgic. Why? Because the first vid I watched from Jenna was “What Disney Movies Taught Me” (2011). And I watched that vid in 2012, the year I started my Youtube journey.

This week I wanna talk about how I met Jenna Marbles.. or much likely umm how I found her on Youtube. And a little story of my “first” love for youtuber.

In my older post I said that I “met” Jenna Marbles by accident. So here’s the little story.

Back in June 2012, I was in my not so freshmen year as a college student and that’s the time I got my baby laptop, HP Mini, for the first time (I called him Sasuke or baby girl). My college got this thing called “free wi fi” and I was having a hard time connecting my baby to internet because you know I was so dumb (let alone now). But then the more time I spend with my baby and studied its body part and boom voila boof Olalla I gotcha baby. Back in that time my relationship with facebook still on it’s best so yeah I was more active there and neglecting my twitter (like its never exsist). And since there was nothing to watch in my laptop so i went to Youtube and searched for cool stuff and by cool stuff I mean some viral funny not time consuming kinda video (and some music videos). The first video was about babies. Full with babies, from laughing babies, crying babies, sleeping babies, scared babies, and all the “bies”. After I got bored with the babies I started to search something else. I started with the “how to” videos (that time I feel the need to better myself and I think some tutorial would help me a lil) and everytime I typed “how to” the suggestion be like “how to be gangster”, “how to be emo”, “how to be ninja” and I was staring at those suggestion then I was like “are these tittles even real? And “how to be ninja”? what the actual crab?” the one that I clicked was how to be gangster, I watched it for 5 secs and was like “ewww old stuff, bye” (big mistake).

Moving on!!

So I searched another “how to”. My first “how to” was “how to be confident” (cos I was such a pussy motherf). The number one rule of me when it comes to Youtube video is: no time to watch it online, just download it, watched it home. The reason: college is the only place I got internet connection, I repeat “the only place” cos I broke, can’t effort to buy a modem. Well sometimes I watch some online just to check some comments.

Back to the video.

So this guy in the “how to be confident” wasn’t really telling me the legit way to be confident. It was just a skit and I was like “holey crab! I got fooled”. But the more I watched it, and I’m in love with this guy. My first youtuber crush. This guy name is Tom Norman and his channel is Tomakonus, he was 18 that time, British, tall and white (I was weak okay, don’t judge). For a couple weeks I was go crazy with stupid heart beats and the nerve to looking for everything that relates to him online. I subscribed to his channel, liked his facebook page, followed his Youtube channel’s Twitter, followed his real Twitter account, and back then I thought it’d complete everything if I can become his “friend” on facebook. I remembered the time i tried to found his facebook, it was pain in the soul cos I never found him. But then my sister told me that she found “Tom freaking Norman” on facebook and I was like “OH EM GEE FINALLYYYYY SAY HELLL YES” i added him on facebook and I was waiting for him to confirm like an idiot. He never did, never. I was so so so so sad that time and be like “it’s okay, you followed him on Twitter, right? It’s more than enough”. He was uploading several videos and then gone, disappeared, nothing. Technically he got a good excuse, he was traveling around south America to do some filming studies. And I forgot about all my stupid feelings for him. But wait, it’s not just because of that. This thing keep bothered, his tweets. Actually he barely tweet stuff, but sometime he tweeted a link to an online dating. First time, I’m okay with that, I mean he’s a teenage boy he needs a girlfriend. And there was a time he keeps tweeting that link like crazy and the curious lil girl I was I clicked the link and my eyes burn it was a porn site. And that’s why I plug out everything about him from my eyes for like ever as possible (my first love broke my heart for the first time and I was like douchy douchy douchy ewwww). What a disappointment.

And during my stupid feels for that Tom Riddle Voldemort pervert looking” Norman I had the nerve to look up for something else on Youtube other than the viral one and at the same time something inside me kicked in, my “lil feminim 9 years old girl” side start to made a move She whispered to me “disney old movies” and you know what happen next. I search stuff like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Peterpan and everytime I search for them videos Jenna’s vid “what disney movies taught me” is always in between.

First assume on that video was “it’s probably just a video to show people how beautiful disney movies are” so I keep ignored that vid and keep scrolling for disney old movies. Then when I’m done with the download and got a lil tired the curiosity kicked me when I saw Jenna’s vid appeared in the side of the Youtube page. And you know what happen next. Yup, I downloaded it.

I got home, change cloth, prepare some snacks, got my pillows ready, open my laptop, search the file and watch the video.

The opening and then she swore. You can call me old school or whatever but my ears were still so virgin that time I barely heard people swore. If there’s a song and then there’s a line when the singer put the swearing words I blocked that sound from my ears. But something about this video that just made me stay. She swore like a professional, not like a rapper but like a girl with a lil boyish thing. I like that. And then I subscribed to her but I wasn’t the hardcore fan like I am right now. Sometimes I watched her vid and the other time I just more into that douchy bag british guy.

I had like 10 to 12 something video of her in my laptop. The first several videos were “what disney movies tought me”, “how to trick people that you’re good looking”, “how to get boys like you”, “girl crushes”, “thought on marriage” (these were the things and still are the things) there’s once I deleted all of those videos cos i barely watched them and I barely interested with her contents that time but I subscribe still.

It took me long enough to finally download her stuff again.

It’s quite ironic to be honest how, now I like the way she swore and the way she speak her heart out I have to say it here I kinda obsessed with her a lil. Girl crush stuff go crazy and crazier after I join lampdom. How crazy? Very much worse than it should be. But just crush okay just crush no more than that.

But seriously tho the thing that happen with the way I thought after I watch “what disney movies tought me” is like … boom shakalaka change everything. I always have, what I always called, 2nd thought (I guess everybody has this) but the way this “2nd thought” works was pretty unique for me. Lemme give you a lil look on how it really works, if my main thought was “good”, 2nd thought will act like a badass. If my main thought was “bad”, my 2nd thought act like a freaking angel. I have the sense to tolerate things and not to tolarate things, but most of the time it’s hard for me to choose which thought should be more stand out. I’m enjoying being badass but I don’t wanna irritate people at the same time. (hashtag dilemma)

Jenna Marbles, personally for me, is like the rebilious version of a girl. If girls more identic with something sweet, soft and ummmm idk.. fluffy? Watching Jenna will probably change that prespective. She make me feel that not all girls are into those stuff, sometimes you can act like a dude and still have that sense of girl. Or maybe you feel a little “naughty” it’s okay to feel that way. But yeah if you more in to “good girl” material like me thennnn idk. I choose to hide my bad side online.

That’s it, have a nice life and see you very soon
Until then stay teehee everybody J

depressing adult thoughts and bunch of my weekend stories


Hi you

Yes you

Yes, i’m cyberly pointing at you who read this blog. Not the person behind or beside you.

(you pointing at yourself dude)

#foreverAlone -_-“

Ummmm I don’t know where to start but just FYI I’m going to post weekly, well maybe not that often but I try to be more productive cos as some people know, the world know, the milky way know .. by the way how the heck they know? What are they know of? (adhd moment presented by Atiq Qwitiq oolalala)

This will be like bunch of stories on what’s going on in my life during the weekend.

~ Spoiler alert, this will be a lil bit personal anddddd I’m already rant bout this on my twitter. And I would like to bring it up here.

First, this just about … *sigh* my life. Since I’m in college for couple years and I’m getting older (like a granny)  and the more I walk the day in this academy years, I feel… giving up. Well not really, more like I’m getting bored of studying like I want this to end fast by telling my parents that I wanna quit. But my second thoughts be like “then if this end fast, where are you gonna go? How bout your p`arents? How bout your future?”


A misery word. You can guess but its always out of your expectation. Whether its good or bad or something between the two.

And the thought of it make me scared. Because I know I’m not really doing good in life, or in my case, college life. I’m busying myself online, watching videos doing crab in front of my computer and most of the time I’m neglecting my book for that (don’t do this at home when your parents around, do it when they go somewhere). I’m beginning to lose focus on my study, like when I read a book the words are crashing together and start to do the belly dance its hard for me to read because they keep moving (if this is happen to you, you need to fix your eyes and start eating carrots). And then my friends at college, they started thinking bout having good grades, graduate fast and get a good job, which I worried that I won’t make those happen fast.

I wanna blame it on my fangirl habit for the past few months (quite pathetic because you made those stories bout your fangirl life and now you wanna blame all the bad things that happen to you on your own fangirl stuff? Good job Atiq) okay it’s all my fault. My fault because I sink myself way too deep in to this fangirl world and Twitter mean while my grades are going down and they yelling timberrrrrrlake (I can’t wait to get you on the floor good looking ) hahaha nice one. For a quick example like what I’m doing now. I’m writing words for my blog while listening to Panic At The Disco’s songs  instead of reviewing for my college. Pretty badass, right?

Yes, fangirl makes me feel life, feel loved, cos that’s my fandom is all about. 
They give me the reason to continue my life and not giving up. I guess I need to motivate myself to study with … ugh I have no idea I’m so dumb.

I was quite depressed for a couple days because of that. My mind suddenly flashed the old memory that’s supposed to be gone, supposed to be forgotten. I guess that’s how most people’s mind work, they forgot things that supposed to be remember and remember those things that supposed to be forgotten (I guess its just you Atiq) well yeah that was just ME. When I was thinking about my college life and those stupid things that happen in the past I was like a living zombie, its not like I wanna be a zombie or something like that I always thought being a vampire is cool but then I wanna be a werewolf too since .. you know.. I always love animal that has fur.. a fluffy fur one.. but then being unicorn is awesome too but I wanna be a pegasus cos pegasus is a flying horse with wings (another adhd sponsored by hungry Atiq please buy her some snacks)

Okay enough about the wtf depressing adult thoughts. I hate growing up but I don’t wanna back to my teenager too because pimples. I hate pimples.

Moving on!!

My lyrics video has reach 100+ views. I’m so femez hahahaha.
How they even find out my video anyway? Okay maybe I tweeted it a couple times and the last post of this blog was about my lyrics video but like seriously how they even find it out? I know some people read this blog but I think only few people did. I know some strangers might as well read this blog but like c’mon are you even kidding me? Okay I might sound pretty anoyying right now. Actually I have another lyrics video in my channel that has 114 views but then I make it private maybe I should make it public again. It’s a pretty old song from Ed Sheeran called Firefly. But it still makes me wonder how they even know. Like are you really watching it or what?

I really wish someone leave a comment and yeah there’s a girl, I guess it’s Rubi since the username she use is Laura_Paolo leave a nice comment. I wanna reply to her comment but it seemed like youtube just being an ass to me that I can’t do it so Rubi if you read this blog THANK YOU VERY MUCH J and I think her comment will be the only comment I could get, that’s fine it was still mean a lot to me J

And I’m in progress on making the GTFO My Room lyrics video and of course I edited the audio and like I said in the last post that it’s pretty funny cos I make them voice sound like a girl, a little girl. And another spoiler alert Andrew’s voice was hillarious especially when he screams like I can’t believe he’s voice will sound like that when I put some speed on it. And I’ll make my apperance too in this upcoming video. What I need is to make a script, I need to frame my ideas in to words and put it in action. Well still not sure about that but lets just see what happen.

Another story coming from my far away son, Trinity. I was so surprise and happy because we have the same taste of music. She knew about Foster The People, which I think people barely know them. The first thought when I listen to FTP for the first time was “old school style” with a modern touch. Its like I’m listening to 70’s or 80’s music, classic. And its been a while since their last album and Trinity tweeted about them and she told me that they have new album and I was like YASSS FINALLY NEW ALBUM. Because like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco, my two most favorite band are already got their album coming out and I’m in dead lock love with all of their songs. And now, I wasn’t expect FTP because its been aaaaggeessss so this was like a legit surprise. Thank you Triny for tweeted about FTP and I sure will listen to their music cos I feel classy lately, I feel the need to go back in time hahhhahaha. And you’ll see FTP and P!ATD in several days YOU KNOW YOU’RE SO LUCKY BUT OVERALL I JUST SO HAPPY THAT YOU WILL GO TO THAT CONCERT, TAKE SOME PICS AND TWEET ‘EM TO ME SO I CAN FEEL THE “FEELS” OF BEING IN A CONCERT EVEN THO I DON’T and I really wanna ask you to tell them that “there’s this girl name Atiq from Indonesia say hi” but it’ll be too much to ask >< I know I’m not the one who go there but I really can’t wait for Trinity to go to the concert.

Next story is coming from Kevin Wu aka Kev-hottie-jumba. He’s back to this cyber world, to Twitter and soon Youtube baby (YASSSSSSS KEVVIIIIINNNNNNNNNN) since he disappear from the internet I was quite worried but then he made some apperance in ig once and Kina’s lyrics video and he’s suprisingly skinny. And around Wednesday and today (I wrote this on Thursday) Kev and Ryan tweeting about them being together (that sounds wrong but then again.. its them) I SERIOUSLY CAN’T WAIT FOR HIS VIDEO LIKE HOLEY CHEESEE BURGER CAKE OOLALA ITS BEEN A TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMME ><

Actually I have bunch of other stuff to write but this post is getting too long so maybe I keep the rest of my life next week.
(You have life huh?)
Yeah of course I have life, I’m “life” enough to write this blog, to tweet my thoughts, to watch Youtube videos. Duuhh
Untill then stay teehee everybody (I still don’t know how to build a wasabi man, maybe Ryan should make a tutorial on how to make it)