Archive for 2009



hai back with dev again . now i'm in internet and cafe in arround my school. with sucsessfully i can CHANGE my blog but still can not CHANGE my world.

now lets talk bout my mom, she always said that she not so stressfull with divorce last time. even now she back again with my dad. but i still found her stress in her word . she try 2b strongger even she can't. even my dad not pay attention and he like not so care bout her. i know what my mom feel. she really pressed by dad. i try 2 bcm her best child and best friend 2 share her pain. try 2 learn the pain.
my mom just need LOVE from dad. even litle love.
altough dad finally understand and give litle care
but still.. i just not understnd what kind of LOVE that he show to mom?????
imean not in the bedroom, but in day live

even he said that he care but he never said LOVE to mom
i never found my dad said "honey,you look so beautiful" or "i love you" to mom
but he said to his child only. i litle bit worried bout that.

okay i'm just to long in here

Change need a help


A_o still with my suck life. I just feel i'm not so thank with all that i move in my life. 4give me God 4 all my word bout mylife. And thank 2 give a life. Its better than no life.
Its going 2b rainy day,the wind so hard crush my body when i go 2 school with "uchi" my bike. And its going 2 lastdy in my eximination
i'm still the lazy man. I never feel worried when i have bad mark. I'm unspirit man that still alive this day. And The most unthinking man 2009.
I'm a girl ,but its not mean that i'll always bcme a perfect one. Girl it so identic with beautiful person,kind,soft,clever,smart,clean,and other good things. Myb i'm not the one who have all the character above. I just feel its not necessery 4 me.
Now lets talk bout somethng that very i need it so much. CHANGE. Why i always talk bout that word ??? There 3 reason:
1. I need it
2. I want it and,
3. I'm looking 4 it
if u are somebody who know bout CHANGE. Please help me. Cz my life need 2b redecorated and rebuild by change and spirit. I'm sorry if my english is bad . I'm indonesian


2dy is sufferday 4 me. When i woke up this morning i think its going 2b a beautiful day with sunshine & big smile on my face. But i was wrong.
Absolutly wrong.
First,as well as i remember,4 d' first time in my life i'm late 4 shcool. Shit.
Secondly,my teacher take my HandPhone. I'm so panic @ first but she bring it back 2 me.
Thirdly,my house is messyful. And i'm 2 lazy 2 clean it up.
Still the same man.
And d last when my house dirt and messy just like chiken cage guests come 2 my beautiful house.

The point of that . Well all i can say 2dy is THIS IS MY FUCK BEAUTIFUL DAY
i'm sorry God

Mysucknight & 2012


Well hi back with me again. I tell you my life its just suck. The truly is i have sleep late. Cz what ???
This is weekend and i want 2 enjoy tonight. But there's something distrubing me 2 enjoy this beautiful night
my father....
I dont wanna said that he suck its just not fair. This is my time,and i dont want any creature or anything distrubing my time. Its just me and me. But that just happend 2 me . Its okay. I just hope that 2mrw its just cn b better
have you ever thinking bout the judgment dy??? Well,whn i saw 2012muvee all i can said just "awesome". I just enterest with d' animation efeck. But how man can calculate bout d' end of d'world???
But again,we have take d' lesson from ths muvee. So its the time 4 we 2 thick our faith 2 God. More pray,more hope. And brng d'peace back 2 alive.
I'm srry if my english is prety bad. Im indonesian so stil learn bout english leanguge. C_U in d' next episode

Mysucknight & 2012


Well hi back with me again. I tell you my life its just suck. The truly is i have sleep late. Cz what ???
This is weekend and i want 2 enjoy tonight. But there's something distrubing me 2 enjoy this beautiful night
my father....
I dont wanna said that he suck its just not fair. This is my time,and i dont want any creature or anything distrubing my time. Its just me and me. But that just happend 2 me . Its okay. I just hope that 2mrw its just cn b better
have you ever thinking bout the judgment dy??? Well,whn i saw 2012muvee all i can said just "awesome". I just enterest with d' animation efeck. But how man can calculate bout d' end of d'world???
But again,we have take d' lesson from ths muvee. So its the time 4 we 2 thick our faith 2 God. More pray,more hope. And brng d'peace back 2 alive.
I'm srry if my english is prety bad. Im indonesian so stil learn bout english leanguge. C_U in d' next episode

My story


Hi,this is dev. My life is boring this dy. And myb just one word that fit on me is "CHANGE" I want 2 change everything on me,like mybhve my rough bhve. I'll do anything 4 that. I just need 2 focus with my future that i'll move now. I just watch my favorite program on tv.
Wait..... Thats not what i'm talking about. C_i just unfocus with anything in front of me.
Look,i try so hard 2 make my life get better and better.
But i just got the bullshit. My own bullshit.
I'm tired 2 figure out my next life,2 figure out what step that i'll move next,and i'm tired with my fck life.
Oh...4give me God cz i not so thank with what u give 2 me.
My wish to my lord is please make me bcome a person that not just can bullshit but can do my word. Please mke it true
amieeen .......
Ya robbal 'alamin.
And one more thing God
i hpe that theres nobody who c_this blog

My tenage


Hai... Its me again. Dev. In my tenage i found a lots of thing that i never met in my childhood b4. B4 my tenage i was a shy girl,i had a good reputation in my village,and my family its just all right. But after that i grow up and grow up. The world want me to becm a fire girl no more shy,then trouble in my family espesialy my mom and my dad. But i still have a good reputation. Everything changging but i dont know why???¿¿

UFO in my country


Hai. Its me again,devil. Just call me dev a melancolis tomboy. I just hear bout UFO in my country,indonesia. Well,that news make me have a great trimbling. I just cant imagene if that thing come to my house. I'm sorry if my english languge is prety bad. Becz.... I just still study.

Hri libur


First i just wanna say 'gud morning world' yesterday its a weekend holidy,and i didnt think anything. Im not worrie bout my exemination,im 2 lazy to thinking bout it. Its stranger,im in science class n my parent trust me so much that i can make them pround. Its hard. When your parent trust you then you make them disapoint, i try to not thinkin bout it, n its easy 4 me to 4get why my parent trust me. Oke its time for me to go to bed its 2.38am n i still awake. I hope theres no one who c this blog. I hope so