
hai back with dev again . now i'm in internet and cafe in arround my school. with sucsessfully i can CHANGE my blog but still can not CHANGE my world.

now lets talk bout my mom, she always said that she not so stressfull with divorce last time. even now she back again with my dad. but i still found her stress in her word . she try 2b strongger even she can't. even my dad not pay attention and he like not so care bout her. i know what my mom feel. she really pressed by dad. i try 2 bcm her best child and best friend 2 share her pain. try 2 learn the pain.
my mom just need LOVE from dad. even litle love.
altough dad finally understand and give litle care
but still.. i just not understnd what kind of LOVE that he show to mom?????
imean not in the bedroom, but in day live

even he said that he care but he never said LOVE to mom
i never found my dad said "honey,you look so beautiful" or "i love you" to mom
but he said to his child only. i litle bit worried bout that.

okay i'm just to long in here

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