Mysucknight & 2012


Well hi back with me again. I tell you my life its just suck. The truly is i have sleep late. Cz what ???
This is weekend and i want 2 enjoy tonight. But there's something distrubing me 2 enjoy this beautiful night
my father....
I dont wanna said that he suck its just not fair. This is my time,and i dont want any creature or anything distrubing my time. Its just me and me. But that just happend 2 me . Its okay. I just hope that 2mrw its just cn b better
have you ever thinking bout the judgment dy??? Well,whn i saw 2012muvee all i can said just "awesome". I just enterest with d' animation efeck. But how man can calculate bout d' end of d'world???
But again,we have take d' lesson from ths muvee. So its the time 4 we 2 thick our faith 2 God. More pray,more hope. And brng d'peace back 2 alive.
I'm srry if my english is prety bad. Im indonesian so stil learn bout english leanguge. C_U in d' next episode

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