Aw,my teeth


Hi,dev is in the house,beib. Wow it been long time i'm not write smthng in my blog. Well,i got very sick all this mount in this year. I dont know why it happen to me, my teeth screming the pain. Yeah,toothache is attack me from feb till now. Man,its totally damn killin on me. I try to treat my damn sick,but its just vain. I want to see dockter but immafraid. Oh My God, i cant eat well,i cant concentret well. This pain is destroy anythng. Im sick with madicine,im sick with my parent who always complain,and all bcs of this f*ckin pain. Okay,lets change the topic. Oh ya,i just download ebook on my phone. Its feel wow. Finally i can read my dream novel. For every body who want get ebook visit: or search for 'wattpad'. Oh Btw,do you know bout justin bieber? Well,when i heard his voice i thought it was a black girl ,but oh man i was shock when i knew that the BABY song is singing by a gentleman. He so cuteg. Well,I have to go bed,tomorow is a big day and a nu day. Hope that everythng is okay.

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